Transforming like a Data… Transformer

Purpose of this chapter

Using data transformation to correct non-normality in numerical data


  1. Load and explore a data set with publication quality tables
  2. Quickly diagnose non-normality in data
  3. Data transformation
  4. Prepare an HTML summary report showcasing data transformations

Required Setup

We first need to prepare our environment with the necessary packages

# Sets the number of significant figures to two - e.g., 0.01
options(digits = 2)

# Required package for quick package downloading and loading 
if (!require(pacman))  

# Downloads and load required packages
pacman::p_load(dlookr, # Exploratory data analysis
               forecast, # Needed for Box-Cox transformations
               formattable, # HTML tables from R outputs
               here, # Standardizes paths to data
               kableExtra, # Alternative to formattable
               knitr, # Needed to write HTML reports
               missRanger, # To generate NAs
               tidyverse) # Powerful data wrangling package suite

Load and Examine a Data Set

  • Load data and view
  • Examine columns and data types
  • Examine data normality
  • Describe properties of data
# Let's load a data set from the diabetes data set
dataset <- read.csv(here("EDA_In_R_Book", "data", "diabetes.csv")) |>
  # Add a categorical group
  mutate(Age_group = ifelse(Age >= 21 & Age <= 30, "Young", 
                            ifelse(Age > 30 & Age <= 50, "Middle", 
         Age_group = fct_rev(Age_group))

# What does the data look like?
dataset |>
  head() |>
Pregnancies Glucose BloodPressure SkinThickness Insulin BMI DiabetesPedigreeFunction Age Outcome Age_group
6 148 72 35 0 34 0.63 50 1 Middle
1 85 66 29 0 27 0.35 31 0 Middle
8 183 64 0 0 23 0.67 32 1 Middle
1 89 66 23 94 28 0.17 21 0 Young
0 137 40 35 168 43 2.29 33 1 Middle
5 116 74 0 0 26 0.20 30 0 Young

Data Normality

Normal distributions (bell curves) are a common data assumptions for many hypothesis testing statistics, in particular parametric statistics. Deviations from normality can either strongly skew the results or reduce the power to detect a significant statistical difference.

Here are the distribution properties to know and consider:

  • The mean, median, and mode are the same value.

  • Distribution symmetry at the mean.

  • Normal distributions can be described by the mean and standard deviation.

Here’s an example using the Glucose column in our dataset

Describing Properties of our Data (Refined)


The symmetry of the distribution

See Introduction 4.3 for more information about these values

dataset |>
  select(Glucose, Insulin, BMI, SkinThickness) |>
  describe() |>
  select(described_variables, skewness) |>
described_variables skewness
Glucose 0.17
Insulin 2.27
BMI -0.43
SkinThickness 0.11

Note that we will remove the other percentiles to produce a cleaner output

  • describes_variables: name of the column being described

  • skewness: skewness

Testing Normality (Accelerated)

  • Q-Q plots

  • Testing overall normality of two columns

  • Testing normality of groups

Note that you can also use normality() to run Shapiro-Wilk tests, but since this test is not viable at N < 20, I recommend Q-Q plots.

Q-Q Plots

Plots of the quartiles of a target data set against the predicted quartiles from a normal distribution.

Notably, plot_normality() will show you the logaritmic and skewed transformations (more below)

dataset |>
plot_normality(Glucose, Insulin, Age)

Normality within Groups

Looking within Age_group at the subgroup normality

Q-Q Plots

dataset %>%
  group_by(Age_group) %>%
  select(Glucose, Insulin) %>%

Transforming Data

Your data could be more easily interpreted with a transformation, since not all relationships in nature follow a linear relationship - i.e., many biological phenomena follow a power law (or logarithmic curve), where they do not scale linearly.

We will try to transform the Insulin column with through several approaches and discuss the pros and cons of each. First however, we will remove 0 values, because Insulin values are impossible…

InsMod <- dataset |>
  filter(Insulin > 0)

Square-root, Cube-root, and Logarithmic Transformations

Resolving Skewness using transform().

“sqrt”: square-root transformation. \(\sqrt x\) (moderate skew)

“log”: log transformation. \(log(x)\) (greater skew)

“log+1”: log transformation. \(log(x + 1)\). Used for values that contain 0.

“1/x”: inverse transformation. \(1/x\) (severe skew)

“x^2”: squared transformation. \(x^2\)

“x^3”: cubed transformation. \(x^3\)

We will compare the sqrt, log+1, 1/x (inverse), x^2, and x^3 transformations. Note that you would have to add a constant to use the log transformation, so it is easier to use the log+1 instead. You however need to add a constant to both the sqrt and 1/x transformations because they don’t include zeros and will otherwise skew the results. Here we removed zeros a priori.

Square-root Transformation

sqrtIns <- transform(InsMod$Insulin, method = "sqrt") 

* Resolving Skewness with sqrt

* Information of Transformation (before vs after)
         Original Transformation
n           394.0         394.00
na            0.0           0.00
mean        155.5          11.75
sd          118.8           4.17
se_mean       6.0           0.21
IQR         113.8           5.05
skewness      2.2           1.01
kurtosis      6.4           1.46
p00          14.0           3.74
p01          18.0           4.24
p05          41.7           6.45
p10          50.3           7.09
p20          69.2           8.32
p25          76.2           8.73
p30          87.9           9.38
p40         105.0          10.25
p50         125.0          11.18
p60         145.8          12.07
p70         176.0          13.27
p75         190.0          13.78
p80         210.0          14.49
p90         292.4          17.10
p95         395.5          19.89
p99         580.5          24.09
p100        846.0          29.09
sqrtIns |>

Logarithmic (+1) Transformation

Log1Ins <- transform(InsMod$Insulin, method = "log+1") 

* Resolving Skewness with log+1

* Information of Transformation (before vs after)
         Original Transformation
n           394.0        394.000
na            0.0          0.000
mean        155.5          4.818
sd          118.8          0.691
se_mean       6.0          0.035
IQR         113.8          0.905
skewness      2.2         -0.088
kurtosis      6.4          0.237
p00          14.0          2.708
p01          18.0          2.944
p05          41.7          3.753
p10          50.3          3.938
p20          69.2          4.251
p25          76.2          4.347
p30          87.9          4.488
p40         105.0          4.663
p50         125.0          4.836
p60         145.8          4.989
p70         176.0          5.176
p75         190.0          5.252
p80         210.0          5.352
p90         292.4          5.682
p95         395.5          5.983
p99         580.5          6.366
p100        846.0          6.742
Log1Ins |>

Inverse Transformation

InvIns <- transform(InsMod$Insulin, method = "1/x") 

* Resolving Skewness with 1/x

* Information of Transformation (before vs after)
         Original Transformation
n           394.0        3.9e+02
na            0.0        0.0e+00
mean        155.5        1.1e-02
sd          118.8        9.0e-03
se_mean       6.0        4.6e-04
IQR         113.8        7.9e-03
skewness      2.2        3.2e+00
kurtosis      6.4        1.5e+01
p00          14.0        1.2e-03
p01          18.0        1.7e-03
p05          41.7        2.5e-03
p10          50.3        3.4e-03
p20          69.2        4.8e-03
p25          76.2        5.3e-03
p30          87.9        5.7e-03
p40         105.0        6.9e-03
p50         125.0        8.0e-03
p60         145.8        9.5e-03
p70         176.0        1.1e-02
p75         190.0        1.3e-02
p80         210.0        1.4e-02
p90         292.4        2.0e-02
p95         395.5        2.4e-02
p99         580.5        5.6e-02
p100        846.0        7.1e-02
InvIns |>

Squared Transformation

SqrdIns <- transform(InsMod$Insulin, method = "x^2") 

* Resolving Skewness with x^2

* Information of Transformation (before vs after)
         Original Transformation
n           394.0        3.9e+02
na            0.0        0.0e+00
mean        155.5        3.8e+04
sd          118.8        7.2e+04
se_mean       6.0        3.7e+03
IQR         113.8        3.0e+04
skewness      2.2        4.8e+00
kurtosis      6.4        3.1e+01
p00          14.0        2.0e+02
p01          18.0        3.2e+02
p05          41.7        1.7e+03
p10          50.3        2.5e+03
p20          69.2        4.8e+03
p25          76.2        5.8e+03
p30          87.9        7.7e+03
p40         105.0        1.1e+04
p50         125.0        1.6e+04
p60         145.8        2.1e+04
p70         176.0        3.1e+04
p75         190.0        3.6e+04
p80         210.0        4.4e+04
p90         292.4        8.5e+04
p95         395.5        1.6e+05
p99         580.5        3.4e+05
p100        846.0        7.2e+05
SqrdIns |>

Cubed Transformation

CubeIns <- transform(InsMod$Insulin, method = "x^3") 

* Resolving Skewness with x^3

* Information of Transformation (before vs after)
         Original Transformation
n           394.0        3.9e+02
na            0.0        0.0e+00
mean        155.5        1.4e+07
sd          118.8        4.8e+07
se_mean       6.0        2.4e+06
IQR         113.8        6.4e+06
skewness      2.2        7.7e+00
kurtosis      6.4        7.7e+01
p00          14.0        2.7e+03
p01          18.0        5.8e+03
p05          41.7        7.2e+04
p10          50.3        1.3e+05
p20          69.2        3.3e+05
p25          76.2        4.4e+05
p30          87.9        6.8e+05
p40         105.0        1.2e+06
p50         125.0        2.0e+06
p60         145.8        3.1e+06
p70         176.0        5.5e+06
p75         190.0        6.9e+06
p80         210.0        9.3e+06
p90         292.4        2.5e+07
p95         395.5        6.2e+07
p99         580.5        2.0e+08
p100        846.0        6.1e+08
CubeIns |>

Box-cox Transformation

There are several transformations, each with it’s own “criteria”, and they don’t always fix extremely skewed data. Instead, you can just choose the Box-Cox transformation which searches for the the best lambda value that maximizes the log-likelihood (basically, what power transformation is best). The benefit is that you should have normally distributed data after, but the power relationship might be pretty abstract (i.e., what would a transformation of x^0.12 be interpreted as in your system?..)

BoxCoxIns <- transform(InsMod$Insulin, method = "Box-Cox") 

* Resolving Skewness with Box-Cox

* Information of Transformation (before vs after)
         Original Transformation
n           394.0        394.000
na            0.0          0.000
mean        155.5          3.011
sd          118.8          0.262
se_mean       6.0          0.013
IQR         113.8          0.335
skewness      2.2         -0.630
kurtosis      6.4          1.003
p00          14.0          2.027
p01          18.0          2.168
p05          41.7          2.588
p10          50.3          2.673
p20          69.2          2.808
p25          76.2          2.848
p30          87.9          2.904
p40         105.0          2.973
p50         125.0          3.037
p60         145.8          3.092
p70         176.0          3.157
p75         190.0          3.183
p80         210.0          3.216
p90         292.4          3.320
p95         395.5          3.409
p99         580.5          3.515
p100        846.0          3.610
BoxCoxIns |>

Produce an HTML Transformation Summary
