Create a Research Compendium

Required setup

Create new GitHub Repository

  • Git into GitHub

  • Go you your Repositories

  • Click on New Repository

  • Name the repository rrcompendium

  • Add a README

  • Create your Repository

  • Click on Code

  • Copy the HTTPS URL

Launch RStudio

  • Click on new RStudio Project

  • Select Version Control

  • Select Git

  • Paste your URL from above

  • Start Project

Install packages

Next, let’s install the packages we’ll need, starting with rrtools (if you haven’t got devtools installed, you’ll need to before you can install rrtools from GitHub).


Installing rrtools imports many of the packages we’ll need today (e.g., the imports section of the DESCRIPTION file).

Imports: devtools, git2r, whisker, rstudioapi, rmarkdown, curl, RCurl,
    jsonlite, methods, httr, usethis, clisymbols,
    crayon, glue, bookdown, here

Configure git

If your git configuration hasn’t been set yet, we need to make sure we do so.

Set git token

  • Name your new personal access token (PAT)

  • Set expiration to whenever (default is 30 days)

  • Click Generate token

  • Save your Token in a safe place; you will not be able to see it again

  • Copy your Token and close the window

Register git token

Paste the following code from the output above and paste your Token

? Enter password or token: ghp_##################
-> Adding new credentials...
-> Removing credetials from cache...
-> Done.

Copy the generated PAT to paste into your .Renviron file as system variable GITHUB_PAT.

You can open your .Renviron file for editing with:


Paste your copied PAT into your .Renviron file as system variable GITHUB_PAT, save and close. Now every time R is reloaded, your PAT will be stored in system variable GITHUB_PAT.

Create compendium

Let’s start by creating a blank research compendium for us to work in.

Load library

First we need to load rrtools


This performs a quick check to confirm you have Git installed and configured

If you do, you should see the following output in the console.

✔ Git is installed on this computer, your username is Greg T. Chism

Create Compendium

Now we’re ready to create our compendium. We use rrtools::use_compendium() and supply it with a path for our new compendium. The final part of our path becomes the compendium name. Because the function effectively creates a package, only a single string of lowercase alpha characters is accepted as a name. Let’s use rrcompendium as the final part of our path.

Quick tip: If you don’t know what path you’re currently in, you can check with the here package

[1] "/Users/gregchism/Library/Documents/Desktop/rrtools-repro-research"

A way to short-hand this path is to say "~/Desktop/rrtools-repro-research", in which the ~ (tilde) is a shortcut for your home directory.

To create rrcompendium with a directory into your Desktop you can use:


Go ahead and create a compendium at a location of your choice. Use the compendium name rrcompendium for ease of following the materials. If the call was successful you should see the following console output:

✔ Setting active project to '~/Desktop/rrcompendium'
✔ Creating 'R/'
✔ Creating 'man/'
✔ Writing 'NAMESPACE'
✔ Writing 'rrcompendium.Rproj'
✔ Adding '.Rproj.user' to '.gitignore'
✔ Adding '^rrcompendium\\.Rproj$', '^\\.Rproj\\.user$' to '.Rbuildignore'
✔ Opening new project 'rrcompendium' in RStudio
✔ The package rrcompendium has been created
✔ Opening the new compendium in a new RStudio session...

Next, you need to:  ↓ ↓ ↓ 
● Edit the DESCRIPTION file
● Use other 'rrtools' functions to add components to the compendium

and a new Rstudio session launched for the compendium.

Periodically update Imports: in the DESCRIPTION with packages your compendium needs using rrtools::add_dependencies_to_description()

Inspect templates

├── DESCRIPTION <- .............................package metadata
|                                               dependency management
├── NAMESPACE <- ...............................AUTO-GENERATED on build
├── R <- .......................................folder for functions
├── man <- .....................................AUTO-GENERATED on build
└── rrcompendium.Rproj <- ......................rstudio project file

rrtools::use_compendium() creates the bare backbone of infrastructure required for a research compendium. At this point it provides facilities to store general metadata about our compendium (e.g., bibliographic details to create a citation) and manage dependencies in the DESCRIPTION file and store and document functions in the R/ folder (note that you will have to create this now). Together these allow us to manage, install and share functionality associated with our project.

Update description file

Let’s update some details in the DESCRIPTION file:

Package: rrcompendium
Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
    person(given = "First",
           family = "Last",
           role = c("aut", "cre"),
           email = "")
Description: What the package does (one paragraph)
License: What license it uses
ByteCompile: true
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true


Let’s give our compendium a descriptive title:

Title: Reproducible Research Compendium using GitHub and RStudio


We don’t need to change the version now but using semantic versioning for our compendium is essential to track versions, and can save us a lot of pain from accidental changes. In general, versions below 0.0.1 are in development or pre-releases, hence the DESCRIPTION file defaults to


Next let’s specify the author of the compendium. Edit with your own details.

Note that I changed the authors format to correct some bugs that I’ve run across.

    person(given = "Greg",
           family = "Chism", "", 
           role = c("aut", "cre"))

The roles are important and can be assigned to several authors - see ?person for more details.


Let’s add a bit more detail about the contents of the compendium in the Description.

Description: This repository contains a template research compendium from the Workshop titled Reproducible Research Compendium using GitHub and RStudio


Finally, let’s add a license for the material we create. We’ll use an GPLv3 License, which can be used for all components of a compendium. We can do this with:

✔ Setting active project to '/cloud/project'
✔ Setting License field in DESCRIPTION to 'GPL (>= 3)'
✔ Writing ''
✔ Adding '^LICENSE\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore'

This creates a file and updates the DESCRIPTION file with details of the license.

License: GPL (>= 3)


We’ve finished updating our DESCRIPTION file! 🎉

It should look a bit like this:

Package: rrcompendium
Title: Title: Reproducible Research Compendium using GitHub and RStudio
    person(given = "Greg",
           family = "Chism", "", 
           role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: This repository contains a template research compendium from the Workshop titled Reproducible Research Compendium using GitHub and RStudio
License: GPL (>= 3)
ByteCompile: true
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true

and your project folder should contain:

└── rrcompendium.Rproj

Let’s commit our work and move on to preparing our compendium for sharing on GitHub.


Every GitHub repository needs a README landing page.

We can create an rrtoolsREADME template using:

✔ Creating 'README.Rmd' from template.
✔ Adding 'README.Rmd' to `.Rbuildignore`.
● Modify 'README.Rmd'
✔ Rendering README.Rmd to for GitHub.
✔ Adding code of conduct.
✔ Creating '' from template.
✔ Adding '' to `.Rbuildignore`.
✔ Adding instructions to contributors.
✔ Creating '' from template.
✔ Adding '' to `.Rbuildignore`.

This generates README.Rmd and renders it to, ready to display on GitHub. It contains:

  • A template citation to show others how to cite your project.
  • License information for the text, figures, code and data in your compendium
output: github_document

<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->

``{r, echo = FALSE}
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

# rrcompendium


This repository contains the data and code for our paper:

> Authors, (YYYY). _Title of paper_. Name of journal/book <>

Our pre-print is online here:

> Authors, (YYYY). _Title of paper_. Name of journal/book, Accessed dd mmm yyyy. Online at <>

### How to cite

Please cite this compendium as:

> Authors, (2022). _Compendium of R code and data for 'Title of paper'_. Accessed 03 May 2022. Online at <>

### How to download or install

You can download the compendium as a zip from from this URL: </archive/>

Or you can install this compendium as an R package, rrcompendium, from GitHub with:
### Licenses

**Text and figures :**  [CC-BY-4.0](

**Code :** See the [DESCRIPTION](DESCRIPTION) file

**Data :** [CC-0]( attribution requested in reuse

### Contributions

We welcome contributions from everyone. Before you get started, please see our [contributor guidelines]( Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

The call also adds two other markdown files:

  • a code of conduct for users
  • basic instructions for people who want to contribute to our compendium

Render, commit and push to GitHub

We’ve now completed our rrtools README.Rmd! 🎉

  • Render it to update the file which is displayed on GitHub

  • Commit and push to GitHub.

Your project folder should contain:

├── README.Rmd
└── rrcompendium.Rproj

Setting up the analysis folder

Create analysis

We now need an analysis folder to contain our analyses and paper. We can do this using function rrtools::use_analysis()

The function has three location = options:

  • top_level to create a top-level analysis/ directory

  • inst to create an inst/ directory (so that all the sub-directories are available after the package is installed)

  • vignettes to create a vignettes/ directory (and automatically update the DESCRIPTION).

The default is a top-level analysis/.

✔ Adding bookdown to Imports
✔ Creating 'analysis' directory and contents
✔ Creating 'analysis'
✔ Creating 'analysis/paper'
✔ Creating 'analysis/figures'
✔ Creating 'analysis/templates'
✔ Creating 'analysis/data'
✔ Creating 'analysis/data/raw_data'
✔ Creating 'analysis/data/derived_data'
✔ Creating 'references.bib' from template.
✔ Creating 'paper.Rmd' from template.

Next, you need to:  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 
● Write your article/report/thesis, start at the paper.Rmd file
● Add the citation style library file (csl) to replace the default provided here, see
● Add bibliographic details of cited items to the 'references.bib' file
● For adding captions & cross-referencing in an Rmd, see
● For adding citations & reference lists in an Rmd, see

Note that:
⚠ Your data files are tracked by Git and will be pushed to GitHub

Regardless for location option, the contents of the created sub-directories are the same:

    ├── paper/
    │   ├── paper.Rmd       # this is the main document to edit
    │   └── references.bib  # this contains the reference list information
    ├── figures/            # location of the figures produced by the Rmd
    ├── data/
    │   ├── raw_data/       # data obtained from elsewhere
    │   └── derived_data/   # data generated during the analysis
    └── templates
        ├── journal-of-archaeological-science.csl
        |                   # this sets the style of citations & references 
        ├── template.docx   # used to style the output of the paper.Rmd
        └── template.Rmd

Let’s inspect


paper.Rmd is ready to write in and render with bookdown. It includes:

  • a YAML header that identifies the references.bib file and the supplied csl file (Citation Style Language) to style the reference list)

  • a colophon that adds some git commit details to the end of the document. This means that the output file (HTML/PDF/Word) is always traceable to a specific state of the code.


The references.bib file has just one item to demonstrate the format. It is ready to insert more reference details.

We can replace the supplied csl file with a different citation style from

Commit and push to GitHub

You now have a template reproducible Research Compendium using rrtools!🎉