Time Series Visualizations

INFO Data Visualization and Analysis - Week 4

Dr. Greg Chism

UArizona School of Information

Time Series Visualizations


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from janitor import clean_names

# Set the theme for seaborn
sns.set_theme(style="white", palette="colorblind")

# Set figure parameters
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8, 8 * 0.618]
plt.rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = True

Working with dates

Air Quality Index

  • The AQI is the Environmental Protection Agency’s index for reporting air quality

  • Higher values of AQI indicate worse air quality

AQI levels

The previous graphic in tabular form, to be used later…

aqi_levels = pd.DataFrame({
    'aqi_min': [0, 51, 101, 151, 201, 301],
    'aqi_max': [50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400],
    'color': ["#D8EEDA", "#F1E7D4", "#F8E4D8", "#FEE2E1", "#F4E3F7", "#F9D0D4"],
    'level': ["Good", "Moderate", "Unhealthy for sensitive groups", "Unhealthy", "Very unhealthy", "Hazardous"]

aqi_levels['aqi_mid'] = (aqi_levels['aqi_min'] + aqi_levels['aqi_max']) / 2

AQI data

  • Source: EPA’s Daily Air Quality Tracker

  • 2016 - 2022 AQI (Ozone and PM2.5 combined) for Tucson, AZ core-based statistical area (CBSA), one file per year

  • 2016 - 2022 AQI (Ozone and PM2.5 combined) for San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA CBSA, one file per year

2022 Tucson, AZ

tuc_2022 = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gchism94/GL-dataviz-lectures/main/slides/data/tucson/ad_aqi_tracker_data-2022.csv")

tuc_2022 = clean_names(tuc_2022).rename(columns={'_aqi_value': 'aqi_value'})

date aqi_value main_pollutant site_name site_id source 20_year_high_2000_2019_ 20_year_low_2000_2019_ 5_year_average_2015_2019_ date_of_20_year_high date_of_20_year_low
0 01/01/2022 40 PM2.5 GERONIMO 04-019-1113 AQS 115 35 62.2 01/01/2018 01/01/2001
1 01/02/2022 55 PM2.5 GERONIMO 04-019-1113 AQS 57 31 43.2 01/02/2015 01/02/2016
2 01/03/2022 55 PM2.5 GERONIMO 04-019-1113 AQS 67 29 43.6 01/03/2015 01/03/2005
3 01/04/2022 48 PM2.5 GERONIMO 04-019-1113 AQS 55 27 40.4 01/04/2015 01/04/2008
4 01/05/2022 50 PM2.5 GERONIMO 04-019-1113 AQS 52 28 36.0 01/05/2013 01/05/2000
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 365 entries, 0 to 364
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column                     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                     --------------  -----  
 0   date                       365 non-null    object 
 1   aqi_value                  365 non-null    int64  
 2   main_pollutant             365 non-null    object 
 3   site_name                  365 non-null    object 
 4   site_id                    365 non-null    object 
 5   source                     365 non-null    object 
 6   20_year_high_2000_2019_    365 non-null    int64  
 7   20_year_low_2000_2019_     365 non-null    int64  
 8   5_year_average_2015_2019_  365 non-null    float64
 9   date_of_20_year_high       365 non-null    object 
 10  date_of_20_year_low        365 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3), object(7)
memory usage: 31.5+ KB
aqi_value 20_year_high_2000_2019_ 20_year_low_2000_2019_ 5_year_average_2015_2019_
count 365.000000 365.000000 365.000000 365.000000
mean 53.895890 83.432877 34.095890 49.835068
std 15.886967 27.515111 5.734905 10.732188
min 27.000000 44.000000 19.000000 33.800000
25% 44.000000 59.000000 31.000000 40.800000
50% 48.000000 77.000000 33.000000 47.000000
75% 61.000000 105.000000 38.000000 57.000000
max 119.000000 161.000000 49.000000 82.400000
date                         0
aqi_value                    0
main_pollutant               0
site_name                    0
site_id                      0
source                       0
20_year_high_2000_2019_      0
20_year_low_2000_2019_       0
5_year_average_2015_2019_    0
date_of_20_year_high         0
date_of_20_year_low          0
dtype: int64

First look

This plot looks quite bizarre. What might be going on?

sns.lineplot(data=tuc_2022, x='date', y='aqi_value')

Transforming date

Using pd.to_datetime():

tuc_2022['date'] = pd.to_datetime(tuc_2022['date'], format='%m/%d/%Y')

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 365 entries, 0 to 364
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column                     Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------                     --------------  -----         
 0   date                       365 non-null    datetime64[ns]
 1   aqi_value                  365 non-null    int64         
 2   main_pollutant             365 non-null    object        
 3   site_name                  365 non-null    object        
 4   site_id                    365 non-null    object        
 5   source                     365 non-null    object        
 6   20_year_high_2000_2019_    365 non-null    int64         
 7   20_year_low_2000_2019_     365 non-null    int64         
 8   5_year_average_2015_2019_  365 non-null    float64       
 9   date_of_20_year_high       365 non-null    object        
 10  date_of_20_year_low        365 non-null    object        
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int64(3), object(6)
memory usage: 31.5+ KB

Investigating AQI values

  • Take a peek at distinct values of AQI
# Check distinct values of aqi_value
distinct_aqi_values = tuc_2022['aqi_value'].unique()
[ 40  55  48  50  45  42  41  38  37  43  44  35  46  52  49  58  64  51
  47  61  71  54  77  84  90  67  97 101  87 100  93  53  74  80 105 119
 108  94  31  39  34  59  32  28  27  33  36  60  81]
  • "." likely indicates NA, and it’s causing the entire column to be read in as characters

Rewind, and start over

# Reload data with correct NA values
tuc_2022 = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gchism94/GL-dataviz-lectures/main/slides/data/tucson/ad_aqi_tracker_data-2022.csv", na_values=[".", ""])

# Clean and transform data again
tuc_2022 = clean_names(tuc_2022).rename(columns={'_aqi_value': 'aqi_value'})
tuc_2022['date'] = pd.to_datetime(tuc_2022['date'], format='%m/%d/%Y')

# Check the structure of the data
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 365 entries, 0 to 364
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column                     Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------                     --------------  -----         
 0   date                       365 non-null    datetime64[ns]
 1   aqi_value                  365 non-null    int64         
 2   main_pollutant             365 non-null    object        
 3   site_name                  365 non-null    object        
 4   site_id                    365 non-null    object        
 5   source                     365 non-null    object        
 6   20_year_high_2000_2019_    365 non-null    int64         
 7   20_year_low_2000_2019_     365 non-null    int64         
 8   5_year_average_2015_2019_  365 non-null    float64       
 9   date_of_20_year_high       365 non-null    object        
 10  date_of_20_year_low        365 non-null    object        
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int64(3), object(6)
memory usage: 31.5+ KB

Another look

sns.lineplot(data=tuc_2022, x='date', y='aqi_value')

Visualizing Tucson AQI

Live coding

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from janitor import clean_names

# Set the theme for seaborn
sns.set_theme(style="white", palette="colorblind")

# Set figure parameters
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8, 8 * 0.618]
plt.rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = True
aqi_levels = pd.DataFrame({
    'aqi_min': [0, 51, 101, 151, 201, 301],
    'aqi_max': [50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400],
    'color': ["#D8EEDA", "#F1E7D4", "#F8E4D8", "#FEE2E1", "#F4E3F7", "#F9D0D4"],
    'level': ["Good", "Moderate", "Unhealthy for sensitive groups", "Unhealthy", "Very unhealthy", "Hazardous"]

aqi_levels['aqi_mid'] = (aqi_levels['aqi_min'] + aqi_levels['aqi_max']) / 2

tuc_2022 = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gchism94/GL-dataviz-lectures/main/slides/data/tucson/ad_aqi_tracker_data-2022.csv", na_values=[".", ""])

tuc_2022 = clean_names(tuc_2022)
tuc_2022['date'] = pd.to_datetime(tuc_2022['date'], format='%m/%d/%Y')

Reveal below for code developed during live coding session.

# Plot background AQI levels
for _, row in aqi_levels.iterrows():
    plt.axhspan(row['aqi_min'], row['aqi_max'], color=row['color'], alpha=0.5, lw=0)

# Plot AQI values
sns.lineplot(data=tuc_2022.dropna(subset=['aqi_value']), x='date', y='aqi_value', linewidth=1.5, color="black")

# Annotate AQI levels
for _, row in aqi_levels.iterrows():
    plt.text(pd.Timestamp('2023-02-28'), row['aqi_mid'], row['level'], ha='right', size=14, color='gray', weight='bold')

# Additional annotations and formatting
plt.annotate('2022', xy=(pd.Timestamp('2022-01-15'), 5), size=12, ha='center')
plt.annotate('2023', xy=(pd.Timestamp('2023-02-15'), 5), size=12, ha='center')

plt.xlim(pd.Timestamp('2022-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2023-03-01'))
plt.ylim(0, 400)
plt.title('Ozone and PM2.5 Daily AQI Values\nTucson, AZ')
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.1, 'Source: EPA Daily Air Quality Tracker', ha='center', size=10)


Calculating cumulatives

Cumulatives over time

  • When visualizing time series data, a somewhat common task is to calculate cumulatives over time and plot them

  • In our example we’ll calculate the number of days with “good” AQI (\(\le\) 50) and plot that value on the y-axis and the date on the x-axis

Calculating cumulatives

Step 1. Arrange your data

tuc_2022 = tuc_2022[['date', 'aqi_value']].dropna().sort_values('date')

Calculating cumulatives

Step 2. Identify good days

tuc_2022['good_aqi'] = np.where(tuc_2022['aqi_value'] <= 50, 1, 0)

Calculating cumulatives

Step 3. Sum over time

tuc_2022['cumsum_good_aqi'] = tuc_2022['good_aqi'].cumsum()

Plotting cumulatives

sns.lineplot(data=tuc_2022, x='date', y='cumsum_good_aqi')
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%b %Y"))

plt.ylabel("Number of days")
plt.title("Cumulative number of good AQI days (AQI < 50)\nTucson, AZ")
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.1, 'Source: EPA Daily Air Quality Tracker', ha='center', size=10)




  • Detrending is removing prominent long-term trend in time series to specifically highlight any notable deviations

  • Let’s demonstrate using multiple years of AQI data

Multiple years of Tucson, AZ data

Reading multiple files

# Define the list of URLs
tuc_files = [

# Initialize an empty dataframe
tuc = pd.DataFrame()

# Read and concatenate all data files
for file in tuc_files:
    data = pd.read_csv(file, na_values=[".", ""])
    tuc = pd.concat([tuc, data], ignore_index=True)

# Clean column names using the clean_names function from the skimpy package
tuc = clean_names(tuc).rename(columns={'_aqi_value': 'aqi_value'})

# Clean and transform data
tuc['date'] = pd.to_datetime(tuc['date'], format='%m/%d/%Y')
tuc = tuc.dropna(subset=['aqi_value'])
tuc['good_aqi'] = np.where(tuc['aqi_value'] <= 50, 1, 0)
tuc = tuc.sort_values('date')
tuc['cumsum_good_aqi'] = tuc['good_aqi'].cumsum()

# Convert date to ordinal for regression
tuc['date_ordinal'] = tuc['date'].apply(lambda x: x.toordinal())

           date  aqi_value main_pollutant     site_name      site_id source  \
1826 2017-01-01         38          Ozone  SAGUARO PARK  04-019-0021    AQS   
1827 2017-01-02         40          Ozone  SAGUARO PARK  04-019-0021    AQS   
1828 2017-01-03         38          Ozone  SAGUARO PARK  04-019-0021    AQS   
1829 2017-01-04         38          Ozone  SAGUARO PARK  04-019-0021    AQS   
1830 2017-01-05         32          Ozone  SAGUARO PARK  04-019-0021    AQS   

      20_year_high_2000_2019_  20_year_low_2000_2019_  \
1826                      115                      35   
1827                       57                      31   
1828                       67                      29   
1829                       55                      27   
1830                       52                      28   

      5_year_average_2015_2019_ date_of_20_year_high date_of_20_year_low  \
1826                       62.2           01/01/2018          01/01/2001   
1827                       43.2           01/02/2015          01/02/2016   
1828                       43.6           01/03/2015          01/03/2005   
1829                       40.4           01/04/2015          01/04/2008   
1830                       36.0           01/05/2013          01/05/2000   

      good_aqi  cumsum_good_aqi  date_ordinal  
1826         1                1        736330  
1827         1                2        736331  
1828         1                3        736332  
1829         1                4        736333  
1830         1                5        736334  

Simple Linear Regression

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Fit linear regression for the trend line
model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(tuc[['date_ordinal']], tuc['cumsum_good_aqi'])
tuc['fitted'] = model.predict(tuc[['date_ordinal']])

Plot trend since 2017

sns.lineplot(data=tuc, x='date', y='cumsum_good_aqi', color = 'black')
sns.lineplot(data=tuc, x='date', y='fitted', color='pink', label='Trend Line')

plt.ylabel("Number of days")
plt.title("Cumulative number of good AQI days (AQI < 50)\nTucson, AZ")
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.1, 'Source: EPA Daily Air Quality Tracker', ha='center', size=10)


Step 1. Fit a simple linear regression

# Convert dates to ordinal for regression
tuc['date_ordinal'] = tuc['date'].apply(lambda x: x.toordinal())

# Fit linear regression
model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(tuc[['date_ordinal']], tuc['cumsum_good_aqi'])

# Get fitted values
tuc['fitted'] = model.predict(tuc[['date_ordinal']])


Step 2. Divide the observed value of cumsum_good_aqi by the respective value in the long-term trend (i.e., fitted)

tuc['ratio'] = tuc['cumsum_good_aqi'] / tuc['fitted']

Visualize detrended data

plt.axhline(y=1, color='gray')
sns.lineplot(data=tuc, x='date', y='ratio', color='black')
plt.ylim([0, 20])
plt.ylabel("Number of days\n(detrended)")
plt.title("Cumulative number of good AQI days (AQI < 50)\nTucson, AZ (2016-2022)")
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.1, 'Source: EPA Daily Air Quality Tracker', ha='center', size=10)

Air Quality in Tucson

barely anything interesting happening!

let’s look at data from somewhere with a bit more “interesting” air quality data…

Read in multiple years of SF data

# Define the list of URLs
sf_files = [

# Initialize an empty dataframe
sf = pd.DataFrame()

# Read and concatenate all data files
for file in sf_files:
    data = pd.read_csv(file, na_values=[".", ""])
    sf = pd.concat([sf, data], ignore_index=True)

# Clean column names using the clean_names function from the skimpy package
sf = clean_names(sf).rename(columns={'_aqi_value': 'aqi_value'})

# Clean and transform data
sf['date'] = pd.to_datetime(sf['date'], format='%m/%d/%Y')
sf = sf.dropna(subset=['aqi_value'])
sf['good_aqi'] = np.where(sf['aqi_value'] <= 50, 1, 0)
sf = sf.sort_values('date')
sf['cumsum_good_aqi'] = sf['good_aqi'].cumsum()

# Convert date to ordinal for regression
sf['date_ordinal'] = sf['date'].apply(lambda x: x.toordinal())

           date  aqi_value main_pollutant      site_name      site_id source  \
2191 2016-01-01         32          PM2.5  Durham Armory  37-063-0015    AQS   
2192 2016-01-02         37          PM2.5  Durham Armory  37-063-0015    AQS   
2193 2016-01-03         45          PM2.5  Durham Armory  37-063-0015    AQS   
2194 2016-01-04         33          PM2.5  Durham Armory  37-063-0015    AQS   
2195 2016-01-05         27          PM2.5  Durham Armory  37-063-0015    AQS   

      20_year_high_2000_2019_  20_year_low_2000_2019_  \
2191                      111                      10   
2192                       76                       8   
2193                       66                      14   
2194                       61                       9   
2195                       83                       8   

      5_year_average_2015_2019_ date_of_20_year_high date_of_20_year_low  \
2191                       39.2           01/01/2000          01/01/2007   
2192                       36.8           01/02/2005          01/02/2012   
2193                       38.2           01/03/2004          01/03/2012   
2194                       30.4           01/04/2008          01/04/2007   
2195                       26.0           01/05/2001          01/05/2015   

      good_aqi  cumsum_good_aqi  date_ordinal  
2191         1                1        735964  
2192         1                2        735965  
2193         1                3        735966  
2194         1                4        735967  
2195         1                5        735968  

Simple Linear Regression

# Fit linear regression for the trend line
model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(sf[['date_ordinal']], sf['cumsum_good_aqi'])
sf['fitted'] = model.predict(sf[['date_ordinal']])

Plot trend since 2016

sns.lineplot(data=sf, x='date', y='cumsum_good_aqi', color = 'black')
sns.lineplot(data=sf, x='date', y='fitted', color='pink', label='Trend Line')

plt.ylabel("Number of days")
plt.title("Cumulative number of good AQI days (AQI < 50)\nSan Francisco, CA")
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.1, 'Source: EPA Daily Air Quality Tracker', ha='center', size=10)


Step 1. Fit a simple linear regression

# Convert dates to ordinal for regression
sf['date_ordinal'] = sf['date'].apply(lambda x: x.toordinal())

# Fit linear regression
model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(sf[['date_ordinal']], sf['cumsum_good_aqi'])

# Get fitted values
sf['fitted'] = model.predict(sf[['date_ordinal']])


Step 2. Divide the observed value of cumsum_good_aqi by the respective value in the long-term trend (i.e., fitted)

sf['ratio'] = sf['cumsum_good_aqi'] / sf['fitted']

Visualize detrended data

plt.axhline(y=1, color='gray')
sns.lineplot(data=sf, x='date', y='ratio', color='black')
plt.ylabel("Number of days\n(detrended)")
plt.title("Cumulative number of good AQI days (AQI < 50)\nSan Francisco, CA (2016-2022)")
plt.figtext(0.5, -0.1, 'Source: EPA Daily Air Quality Tracker', ha='center', size=10)


  • In step 2 we fit a very simple model

  • Depending on the complexity you’re trying to capture you might choose to fit a much more complex model

  • You can also decompose the trend into multiple trends, e.g. monthly, long-term, seasonal, etc.


Data prep

from datetime import datetime

sf['year'] = sf['date'].dt.year
sf['day_of_year'] = sf['date'].dt.dayofyear
# check
print(sf[sf['day_of_year'] < 3])
           date  aqi_value main_pollutant              site_name      site_id  \
2191 2016-01-01         32          PM2.5          Durham Armory  37-063-0015   
2192 2016-01-02         37          PM2.5          Durham Armory  37-063-0015   
1826 2017-01-01         55          PM2.5              San Pablo  06-013-1004   
1827 2017-01-02         36          Ozone         Patterson Pass  06-001-2005   
1461 2018-01-01         87          PM2.5           Oakland West  06-001-0011   
1462 2018-01-02         95          PM2.5           Oakland West  06-001-0011   
1096 2019-01-01         33          PM2.5           Redwood City  06-081-1001   
1097 2019-01-02         50          PM2.5              Livermore  06-001-0007   
730  2020-01-01         53          PM2.5                Oakland  06-001-0009   
731  2020-01-02         43          PM2.5  Berkeley Aquatic Park  06-001-0013   
365  2021-01-01         79          PM2.5           Oakland West  06-001-0011   
366  2021-01-02         57          PM2.5  Pleasanton - Owens Ct  06-001-0015   
0    2022-01-01         53          PM2.5                Oakland  06-001-0009   
1    2022-01-02         55          PM2.5              Livermore  06-001-0007   

     source  20_year_high_2000_2019_  20_year_low_2000_2019_  \
2191    AQS                      111                      10   
2192    AQS                       76                       8   
1826    AQS                      162                      33   
1827    AQS                      140                      21   
1461    AQS                      162                      33   
1462    AQS                      140                      21   
1096    AQS                      162                      33   
1097    AQS                      140                      21   
730     AQS                      162                      33   
731     AQS                      140                      21   
365     AQS                      162                      33   
366     AQS                      140                      21   
0       AQS                      162                      33   
1       AQS                      140                      21   

      5_year_average_2015_2019_ date_of_20_year_high date_of_20_year_low  \
2191                       39.2           01/01/2000          01/01/2007   
2192                       36.8           01/02/2005          01/02/2012   
1826                       60.6           01/01/2001          01/01/2019   
1827                       63.2           01/02/2001          01/02/2002   
1461                       60.6           01/01/2001          01/01/2019   
1462                       63.2           01/02/2001          01/02/2002   
1096                       60.6           01/01/2001          01/01/2019   
1097                       63.2           01/02/2001          01/02/2002   
730                        60.6           01/01/2001          01/01/2019   
731                        63.2           01/02/2001          01/02/2002   
365                        60.6           01/01/2001          01/01/2019   
366                        63.2           01/02/2001          01/02/2002   
0                          60.6           01/01/2001          01/01/2019   
1                          63.2           01/02/2001          01/02/2002   

      good_aqi  cumsum_good_aqi  date_ordinal       fitted     ratio  year  \
2191         1                1        735964    22.288160  0.044867  2016   
2192         1                2        735965    22.861827  0.087482  2016   
1826         0              267        736330   232.250591  1.149620  2017   
1827         1              268        736331   232.824259  1.151083  2017   
1461         0              440        736695   441.639355  0.996288  2018   
1462         0              440        736696   442.213023  0.994996  2018   
1096         1              589        737060   651.028119  0.904723  2019   
1097         1              590        737061   651.601787  0.905461  2019   
730          0              843        737425   860.416883  0.979758  2020   
731          1              844        737426   860.990550  0.980266  2020   
365          0             1070        737791  1070.379314  0.999646  2021   
366          0             1070        737792  1070.952982  0.999110  2021   
0            0             1282        738156  1279.768078  1.001744  2022   
1            0             1282        738157  1280.341746  1.001295  2022   

2191            1  
2192            2  
1826            1  
1827            2  
1461            1  
1462            2  
1096            1  
1097            2  
730             1  
731             2  
365             1  
366             2  
0               1  
1               2  

Plot AQI over years

sns.lineplot(data=sf, x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', hue='year', palette='tab10', legend=False)
plt.xlabel('Day of year')
plt.ylabel('AQI value')
plt.title('AQI levels in San Francisco (2016 - 2022)')

Highlight specific year (2016)

# Highlight the year 2016
sns.lineplot(data=sf, x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', color='gray')
sns.lineplot(data=sf[sf['year'] == 2016], x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', color='red')
plt.xlabel('Day of year')
plt.ylabel('AQI value')
plt.title('AQI levels in SF in 2016\nVersus all years 2016 - 2022')

Highlight specific year (2017)

# Highlight the year 2017
sns.lineplot(data=sf, x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', color='gray')
sns.lineplot(data=sf[sf['year'] == 2017], x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', color='red')
plt.xlabel('Day of year')
plt.ylabel('AQI value')
plt.title('AQI levels in SF in 2017\nVersus all years 2016 - 2022')

Highlight specific year (2018)

# Highlight the year 2018
sns.lineplot(data=sf, x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', color='gray')
sns.lineplot(data=sf[sf['year'] == 2018], x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', color='red')
plt.xlabel('Day of year')
plt.ylabel('AQI value')
plt.title('AQI levels in SF in 2018\nVersus all years 2016 - 2022')

Highlight any year

# Function to highlight a specific year
def highlight_year(year_to_highlight):
    sns.lineplot(data=sf, x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', color='gray')
    sns.lineplot(data=sf[sf['year'] == year_to_highlight], x='day_of_year', y='aqi_value', color='red')
    plt.xlabel('Day of year')
    plt.ylabel('AQI value')
    plt.title(f'AQI levels in SF in {year_to_highlight}\nVersus all years 2016 - 2022')

# Highlight any year

Thank you 😊